Svelte Animated Icons #

A collection of animated SVG icons for Svelte with enhanced customization, flexible event handling, and improved state management. Each icon supports sophisticated animation transitions, accessibility features, and granular control.

Features #

  • 🎨 Advanced customization (colors, sizes, stroke widths)
  • ✨ Draw transition animations
  • 🎯 Full TypeScript support
  • 🔄 Flexible event handling
  • ♿ Enhanced accessibility features
  • 🎮 Multiple animation trigger options

Installation #

pnpm i -D svelte-animated-icons

Usage #

  import { AddColumnAfterFlowbite } from 'svelte-animated-icons';

<AddColumnAfterFlowbite />

With Custom Properties

  import { AddColumnAfterFlowbite } from 'svelte-animated-icons';

    duration: 800,
    delay: 0

Props #

sizenumber24Icon size in pixels
colorstringcurrentColorIcon color (any valid CSS color)
strokeWidth (flowbite/hero)number1.5/2.0Width of the icon strokes
event'hover'|'click'|'none''hover'Event that triggers the animation
pauseDurationnumber300 Duration of the animation (ms)
transitionParamsobjectduration: 500, delay: 0Svelte transition parameters
title{ id?: string, title?: string }-SVG title for accessibility
desc{ id?: string, desc?: string }-SVG description for accessibility
ariaLabelstringIcon-specificAria label for the icon

Types #

  import type { DrawParams } from 'svelte/transition';
  import type { SVGAttributes } from 'svelte/elements';

  type TitleType = {
    id?: string;
    title?: string;
  type DescType = {
    id?: string;
    desc?: string;

  interface Props extends SVGAttributes<SVGSVGElement> {
    pauseDuration?: number;
    event?: 'hover' | 'click' | 'none';
    title?: TitleType;
    desc?: DescType;
    ariaLabel?: string;
    size?: number;
    color?: string;
    strokeWidth?: number; // flowbite/hero
    transitionParams?: DrawParams;

Accessibility Props Example #

    id: 'add-column-title',
    title: 'Add Column Icon'
    id: 'add-column-desc',
    desc: 'An icon to add a column with animated transition'

Accessibility #

All icons include proper ARIA attributes and support custom titles and descriptions. They are keyboard accessible when used with click events.

Browser Support #

Works in all modern browsers that support SVG and CSS animations.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines before submitting a pull request. Create a new icons in `src/lib/custom` directory.

License #

MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.